What's Your Mood Today?

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Patterns In Nature. Patterns in Life.

Change can be difficult especially when it happens unexpectedly. Fear and uncertainty are emotions that I’ve experienced with change. It can happen in big moments such as moving or changing jobs. It can also happen in smaller, unexpected moments such as having a friend cancel a date or forgetting to wash your favorite shirt. You have to be able to adapt to these changes of uncertainty and not let your mind create thoughts of worry, anxiety and fear.

We can connect to nature and see that patterns of change are an integral part of life. For example take a look at the natural patterns of a tree during the seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

Embrace the changes in your life. Everything in the present moment will eventually pass. So enjoy where you are now, allow the future to happen and let the past be the past!

Note: Any language that many directly relate to someone else’s is not intentional. This was written in my own words, however some of these ideas are universal and have come from my learning and experiences through different resources.

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